Our Work

New Media

Featured Client: Federal intelligence agency

Digital-First Strategy Leads High-Tech
Employment Brand

It's one thing to say you're a technology leader. It's another thing to show it. CiC adopted a digital-first strategy to promote the high-tech employment brand of a federal intelligence agency. The process started with social media, spread to mobile app connectivity tools and games, then advanced to virtual recruitment events. In all media, the message was enforced through the media that carried it. The approach proved extremely popular with young technical professionals, who regularly use new media in their daily lives. The creative messaging used in those channels also caught the attention of major mass media, including more than 50 national media outlets, resulting in thousands of positive media mentions.

Event Management and Marketing

Featured Client: ExxonMobil

Creative and Technical Support Fuels
Inspirational Conference

Live conferences create wonderful opportunities for teams and partners to network and learn new things in an inspirational environment. For ExxonMobil, CiC produced the Branded Wholesaler Conference at Loews Miami Beach Hotel in Florida, which attracted more than 900 participants over a three-day period. The general session featured a seamless 80x16-foot screen, which projected magnified views of speakers, animated graphics and presentation slides. Our technical team provided video, projection, lighting, audio, signage and music. CiC designed all of the creative presentation elements and managed every technical detail to deliver a successful corporate event for this high-profile client.

Workforce Recruitment Marketing

Featured Client: National Guard Bureau

360-Degree Recruitment Program Makes Mission

CiC provides turnkey marketing and media support to Army National Guard states and territories, including traditional and online advertising, search marketing, email marketing, event management and self-service custom advertising solutions. CiC services allow National Guard state recruitment offices to identify target markets and run engaging recruitment marketing programs that assure consistent brand identity from the East Coast to the West Coast. The program showcases the benefits of becoming a “Citizen-Soldier” and drives qualified leads to local recruiters or a national website to facilitate conversion from prospect to recruit.

Research, Analytics and Knowledge Management

Featured Client: All

Deep Insights Drive Precision Strategy

Marketing decisions should be made on facts, not hopeful fiction. CiC research and analytics provides the data to make fact-based decisions for razor-sharp strategies. Our geo-demographic software models give you unprecedented visibility into demographic pockets across the nation. Quantitative research surveys help you understand broad trends and opinions, and qualitative research gives you deep-dive insight into opinions and media consumption habits. CiC analytics provides the data and analysis to develop insight from web and social media traffic, which leads to refinements that accelerate social media goals. Frequent and detailed reporting on all campaign data gives you the information you need to succeed.

Online Community Building

Featured Client: Military Kids Connect

Military Children Get the Support They Need

Developed for the DoD's National Center for Telehealth and Technology, Military Kids Connect is an oasis of information and support for children and teens coping with the stresses of military life. The program's website and social media properties offer military youth tips and advice for dealing with issues like frequent relocations, post-traumatic stress and grief. CiC develops the content in partnership with psychologists who understand the stresses and strains of military life. The website also delivers information through videos, games and interactive content. Military youth are encouraged to communicate with peers throughout the online community, which helps youth develop a social support system that transcends geographic boundaries.

Enterprise Communications Solutions

Featured Client: Federal intelligence agency

Full-Service Center Supports All
Communication Needs

For an Intelligence Community agency, CiC personnel deliver high-quality, cost-effective enterprise support with responsive, creative and engaging media solutions. Our on-site team provides a full range of services, including premium video and photography, web development, digital media and graphic design, as well as technical and administrative support. CiC also supports the agency’s front office by developing informational, programmatic and operational presentations for a variety of audiences, including the defense and intelligence communities, as well as the U.S. Congress. Reach-back for surge support is provided using CACI’s secure production facility, located at our corporate Chantilly, VA, office.

Industries We Serve


Innovative design and visionary style is our approach to communicating your message to your targeted audience. Our diverse experience delivers precise communications tools for our corporate, nonprofit and association customers. We collaborate with you to produce contemporary, multi-platform media with a creative approach that engages your audience and delivers your message with measurable results.


We take pride in developing communications solutions for our federal and state government customers. The strength of our business is how we approach each mission-critical project with research-based strategy and fresh, innovative storytelling, resulting in precise yet engaging communication products. Contact us for our GSA AIMS Schedule 541.


Creating thought-provoking programming with powerful narrative and strong character development is at the heart of CiC's talent and expertise. We produce scripted drama, original documentaries and reality programming for TV and digital media platforms that entertain and inform. We're particularly skilled in bringing bold stories to life as told by real people that connect viewers to extraordinary characters.

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